SOAP Web services created with Microsoft Visual Studio and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) often result in complex WSDL (Web Service Definition Language) documents which contain references to (xsd:import) one or more external WSDL documents. Although WSDL2CDF can process imported schemas, it cannot handle imported WSDL documents.
Microsoft has recognized the difficulty this presents to third-party WSDL processors like WSDL2CDF and now (as of Visual Studio 2012, WCF 4.5) provides the option of producing the WSDL as a single WSDL document. To access this feature, append "?singleWSDL" to your Web service's URI instead of "?wsdl" when running WSDL2CDF. For example:
RUN WSDL2CDF -cdf MYCDF -wsdl & http://myserver/myapplication/myservice.svc?singleWSDL
Note that this solution only applies to Web services created with Microsoft Visual Studio and WCF 4.5+.