An issue exists with serialization of large scaled integer values from an IPM field to the JSON payload. The issue causes the serialization output field to be filled with asterisks ('*') when the length of the conversion output exceeds a certain width. This leads to the value appearing as asterisks in the JSON payload.
Advisory Release Date
June 25, 2020
Affected Versions
- All
Fixed Versions
A hotfix is available for this issue for the 1.0.4 release. Once the hotfix is installed, the serialization issue will not occur. Note that this is a rollup hotfix which includes these previous hotfixes:
- - Integer with scale values are serialized in exponential notation
- - Memory leak occurs when using the azure-iot-hub signature method
- - Memory leak occurs on each request
Note that this hotfix is for the 1.0.4 release only. If you would like a hotfix prepared for another release, please open a support case and let us know the release you're using.
Hotfix Installation
Install the hotfix by following these steps:
- Download the hotfix PAK file using the link below and transfer the file to your NonStop system using binary transfer.
- For TNS/E: hf1046e.pak
- For TNS/X: hf1046x.pak
- Unpak the hotfix PAK file, which contains the following file:
- CLIENT - The CLIENT process program file.
- Stop any existing CLIENT processes.
- Replace the existing CLIENT program file with the hotfix CLIENT program file.
- Restart the CLIENT processes.
The VPROC for this hotfix is:
- TNS/E - T0000H06_25JUN2020_NuWave_LWC_1_0_4_6_H_9f550d93
- TNS/X - T0000L06_25JUN2020_NuWave_LWC_1_0_4_6_H_9f550d93